четвъртък, 16 юни 2011 г.


TREATMENT WITH WATER TREATMENT AND WATER WITH SOL.LECHENIE TERAPIYa.Ponyakoga happens that a person be cured with just one in which doubt or not believe-loshto. In the late 80s Dr. BATMANZHELIDZH open method of treatment which restores vital body functions and its organi.Zdravnata organization but the U.S. refused to promote because they annually spend huge amounts of drugs and their manufacturers are its main sponsors. RECIPE Dr. BATMANZHELIDZH: It is simple to implement but requires perseverance until the person is alive. 1 pound of body weight is necessary to take up to 2 liters of tap water is put 3 grams sol.Razdelya at 6 dozi.Priema before yadene.Dnevnite drugs are not drinking this voda.Spirat eat podsladiteli.Ako omitted a water feeding dose not stop. Dr BATMANZHELIDZH says that after age 20 everyone should respect this mode to keep the body in perfect zdrave.Toy said that the study of cancer cells in them was established several smaller concentration of salt to healthy cells in the body. Too little salt in the body leads to several diseases: high blood pressure and breaking bones in vazrastnite.S this method to treat asthma for about mesets.Poddavat to successful treatment and the other following diseases: diabetes, insulin incl, varicose veins, heart disease, headache, heartburn, high cholesterol, kidney stones and gall bladder, knee pain, obesity and others. Detailed description of the method of treatment of Dr. BATMANZHELIDZH you can read under the title: "How to Heal with water 'at: http://doraapostolova1005.blogspot.com at this address is situated herbal online office" Aristide * 999 * References and requests for guaranteed herbal remedies and herbal complex made up treatment programs at: Email: doraapostolova500@abv.bg order online herbal cabinet ARISTIDI999 * * / Consulting, questions, requests / 08.05.2010
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