понеделник, 11 юли 2011 г.


Theory and Practice
In theory it is possible someone who did not have breakfast, to lose weight steadily and permanently. But in practice - no. Overweight will not disappear because of burning fat, but because of the reduction of muscle mass and water balance on offense.
For those few pounds you enter the unequal fight against his own body - it will do everything possible to realize his mistake, as perceived the situation as a struggle of life and death. Ultimately, you are bound to surrender and oppression will desired long flowed in full force, causing you to eat more and more and prefer not satiating, and calorific food.
The downloaded quickly regain weight, sometimes leading to their "company" and a new two pounds.
Allowed breakfast
All the nightmares of the hungry in the morning before the collapse to a simple truth - no sense giving up breakfast, if you want to lose weight. Breakfast is your main helper in the fight against obesity.
U.S. scientists have shown that breakfast helps weight loss. This conclusion was made after a ten-year study in which some participants did not snack, breakfast with other healthy low calorie foods, and some pleasing your every desire. The results show that breakfast have lower body weight than those who go hungry in the morning.
The first group of participants metabolism slowed down to 4%, since the day they are less likely to abstain from eating additional servings.
It also appeared that morning, women can eat whatever they want, while men are the weaker ones, who ate a healthy low calorie foods.
The formula for success
Already has a list of products ideally suited for breakfast diet regardless of gender or age of man.
1. CerealsPaste cereals (grains), wholemeal bread, muesli or sprouts - each separately or mixed. Complex carbs give you energy to be spent on active and full life, not the accumulation of excess fat.
2. VegetablesThanks to those contained in these fibers will be stronger faster and will feel hungry more often. Vitamins and minerals in vegetables does help you look so good that no one will even think of him that when dieting.
3. Eggs and nonfat dairy productsProteins contained in them are easily assimilated by the body and give him energy for sports. The muscles become more elastic and tight, and burn fat faster.
So if your "weight loss" known for his appetite to eat delicious breakfast omelet with two eggs and vegetables in this grizka cookies for dessert, you can not doubt

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